Richard and Joy McIlvaine
NonDenominationalChristian @ gmail.com
NLCF, Inc. Since 1980
Bio - Richard McIlvaine
President- New Life Christian Fellowship, Inc.
Author: "Cancer Healing" , "Supernatural Provision",
"The Father's Face" , "Enter My Rest" , and
"How to Prevent Cancer" - Removing the generational/spiritual roots that cause cancer !
Present Ministry: Traveling Ministry - Conferences - Churches - Bible Schools - Discipleship
Rev. Richard & Rev. Joy McIlvaine have served in ministry for over 37 years in a variety of different areas.
Richard has served as a Royal Rangers leader, Sunday school teacher, an elder, Bible school teacher, Licensed in 1983, Ordained in 1985 in the " Fellowship of Christian Assemblies " , Served as Senior Pastor of New Life Christian Fellowship for 7 years, traveling ministry locally and abroad since 1991, Bible School directors, Short term Missionary's in South Korea doing a Bible School for 75- 100 Korean pastors in 1998, and Founders/Directors of the the Divine Healing Rooms - Seattle Eastside ministry for 8 years til April of 2008.
Richard & Joy continue to travel locally and overseas to bring encouragement and healing to the Body of Christ. Their ministry has a prophetic aspect to it and they seek to listen to the Holy Spirit and bring fresh teaching, impartation, personal ministry, and healing the sick to those they minister to. They also continue to oversee " New Life Christian Fellowship, Inc." a fellowship of churches, ministers and intercessors in ministry and missions that also gives Licensing and Ordination those called into ministry.
Richard was saved in 1977 while working for Continental Airlines in Seattle, WA. A number of Christians witnessed and shared the gospel with him. But it was a message given one day on television through the "700 Club" program with Pat Robertson that resulted in him being born-again. Previous to that time he had been brought up in the Catholic church and later attended and graduated from St. Joseph's High School, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.
A year after being saved, he began attending "Faith Tabernacle" church, Kent, WA, a full-gospel church associated with the "Fellowship of Christian Assemblies" a group similar to the "Assemblies of God" churches, but non-denominational. He later graduated from "Faith Bible Training Center" after 2 years of studying God's Word and doing internship work in their Christian school "Faith Academy". It was there that Pastor Richard Martin taught him a deep love for the Word of God and to preach the Word of God expecting it to produce fruit in people's lives. Shortly later he became one of the elders of New Life Christian Fellowship, Issaquah,WA and shortly later appointed Senior Pastors of New Life Christian Fellowship and pastored there for seven years before going into traveling ministry.
Richard & Joy have been married for 37 years and have three wonderful children, Anna, John and David. Anna presently is married to a wonderful Christian man and both are presently involved in ministry in their local church, John working and traveling, and David is working. They reside in the beautiful state of Washington, USA and enjoy the beauty and activities available to the area.
They continue to minister the Lord leads them and seek after God and His plan for their lives and trust Him to direct their paths in the future as they seek to love and serve Him and His Body.
Richard & Joy McIlvaine -
255 NW Golden Hills DR, Pullman, WA USA 99163-8980
Bio - Joy McIlvaine
Rev. Joy McIlvaine is a Licensed, Ordained Minister and attended
Bible School for 4 years.
She has traveled to a number of different nations ministering,
speaking, and praying for people.
Joy has been involved in helping Richard, her husband, be the Senior Pastor
of New Life Christian Fellowship church for 8 years, before moving into traveling ministry with him while still helping oversee the present ministry of New Life Christian Fellowship.
Joy continues today to disciple, mentor, pastor people, pray for people, do outreach ministry, etc.and sometimes travels with Richard or others to minister in the nations.
Joy loves people and people love her and she ministers God's Love and Word wherever she goes bringing life and joy to all that she contacts !!
She continues today to study God's Word diligently and read and listen to teaching materials from a variety of other ministries.
Joy is also a mother and wife and grandmother and they all call her blessed and praise God for her love and sacrifices to them in their lives !!
Joy has volunteered with the PTSA and has received the Golden Acorn Award.
Joy served on staff at Seattle Revival Center, Newcastle, WA in Children's Ministry for many years until July, 2019.
Joy presently ministers and travels with her husband Richard and locally as God leads her.
Joy also enjoys gardening, quilting, making gifts and baking for others.

Our Vision :
To Change Lives by God's Love and
God's Word
To share the Gospel here and to the world! ( Acts 1: 8 )
Teaching, Training and Equipping the Body of Christ!
Remembering and giving to the poor!
Discipling believers, healing the sick, setting the captives free !
Personal Ministry to Encourage, Confirm direction, Build up and Edify the Body of Christ!
Imparting spiritual gifts as the Lord leads ! ( Romans 1:11 )
Helping release those "called by God" into ministry into their calling and gifting !
Helping leaders discern spiritual atmospheres and situations in their churches and ministries !
To help believers receive healing from cancer through our books and teachings,
and website !
To teach and share and help believers enter into financial freedom, to be blessed & a blessing to the nations ( Genesis 12:3 & Galatians 3: 13-14 ) !
New Life Christian Fellowship, Inc.
( Founded 1980 -Pullman, WA USA )
A Fellowship of Churches, Ministries,
Intercessors and Individuals in ministry.
A Christian, non-denominational, Full Gospel,
relationship-based Fellowship.
International Licensing & Ordination Ministry
functioning through trust & relationship.
For more Information write us at :
New Life Christian Fellowship
255 NW Golden Hills DR,
Pullman, WA USA 99163-8980
Statement of Faith
New Life Christian Fellowship - Pullman, WA USA
ONE GOD: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
FATHER GOD: Creator of Heaven and Earth, of All Creation, Eternal, Judge of All.
LORD JESUS CHRIST: The Son of God, born of the virgin Mary, was crucified, resurrected, and now is seated at the right hand of God, and is true God.
HOLY SPIRIT: Who indwells in the born-again believer; in the Fruit of the Spirit, in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and is true God.
THE BIBLE: In it's entirety is the inspired Word of God and the only infallible rule and final authority on all matters of faith and conduct.
WATER BAPTISM: In the immersion of a believer in water as a testimony of repentance after receiving Jesus Christ as Savior.
SALVATION: Comes only through faith in the Jesus Christ, through receiving Jesus Christ as Savior,
His shed Blood, His work on the Cross, granting by Grace the Gift of Eternal Life in Heaven.
DIVINE HEALING: Is included in the Atonement through Jesus Christ.
JESUS CHRIST RETURN: In the imminent, soon, visible, physical return of Jesus Christ to earth in the same manner as He left. In the Millennium rule of Christ on earth after His return.
HELL: An actual Place of eternal judgment for those who reject Jesus Christ as God's Son and do not receive God's Salvation.
HEAVEN: An actual Place of eternal reward for God's saints.