Richard and Joy McIlvaine
NonDenominationalChristian @ gmail.com
NLCF, Inc. Since 1980
Continued Prophetic Articles - Page 2
Robert Ricciardelli:
"A Revolution Of Unity"
There is a revolution going on in God's people. There have been books written about the revolution being God's people leaving institutional organizations. Some say those in the revolution are moving towards the house church movement or some other new "Wine Skin". The fact that some have moved away from traditional settings is not the focus of this revolution. One new "wine skin" claims they are "The Way," another one thinks they have it figured out, while the older wine skins are saying, "What happened?" Apostolic and prophetic movements, shifts and new model churches may be a trend, but they are not the revolution.
I am here to tell you that methods and wines skins are not the revolution. The real revolution is the Spirit of God speaking wisdom and revelation to the people that are seeking His face. His people are listening and not just settling for church as usual but realizing that there is so much more in walking in obedience to His Way. As He reveals more of Himself, His children are growing up to know who they are in Him, and getting free from religious mindsets in the expression of His Kingdom to every sphere, in every nation.
The Kingdom Of God Is Within Us
We can all look at the old systems and point out the problems, or try and create new systems to avoid the problems, but the Kingdom of God does not dwell in any system, He dwells in us. Success in God is obedience. If you are obedient to the Lord in what He has called you to do, then you will have success that cannot be measured in any humanistic way. It will not be about the numbers. Churches may have millions of dollars and thousands of members, but that can never be a true measurement of success.
I know missionaries in the jungles of India, living off a $400 per year budget, that are highly successful because of their obedience to God. I know of others that may have a television ministry, 3 mansions, and a yacht that are unsuccessful because of their disobedience. They have received the natural world in a big way, but because they pursued those things, the Kingdom of God in their lives has all but disappeared. At the same time, I know some who have incredible wealth in the natural, and yet their heart remains fixed on the Kingdom of God and of His righteousness.
We Must Complete And Not Compete
When our lives have been "Kingdom-ized" by Christ, we begin to realize in a greater way that the Lord operates through unity. Division or disunity opposes the Kingdom, but unfortunately most organizations acknowledging Jesus Christ are isolated from each other. On the other hand, unity in small gatherings and also in a community of gatherings, commands a blessing from the Lord.
Psalms 133 says, "How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when brothers live together in harmony! For harmony is as precious as the fragrant anointing oil that was poured over Aaron's head, that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe. Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And the LORD has pronounced his blessing, even life forevermore."
Just as it is necessary as individuals to not forsake assembling together, it is clear in the Word of God that we should not forsake relating with other leaders in our community. They are part of Godâ?Ts plan for us in our communities. Being too busy in our own ministries must not be the continued excuse to not pursue key relationships in our city, outside our own gathering. We must not cease in prayer and action towards unity. Godâ?Ts people are waking up from a long slumber. You would be surprised to see the doors open where they were previously slammed shut.
Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
John 17:20 says, "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
Jesus prayed, and he knew what it would take to win the world--UNITY! We need to be one in Him, and we need to be one with each other. There are 30,000 denominations in the world including non-denominational groups, yet there is only one Church, one Bride, one representation of Christ to the world. If we looked at our differences as gifts, rather then reasons to separate, we could take the planet for Christ. It is happening in many communities around the world right now. Leaders have thrown down their distinctions and reached for the only thing needed in commonality with others, Christ Himself.
We Need A Shift In Our Worldview
We need to see all people as created in the image of God, and that He loves them all, and that He wants them all to come to Him as their Father. Alistair Petrie wrote a book called the Sacred Trust. In the book, He looked at the world from an incredible perspective. Rather than throwing stones at systems that may not appeal to each of us, he saw the beauty and strength in different denominations and different people groups and races:
Baptists - Gift of teaching about Salvation
Methodists/Presbyterians/United - Gift of teaching about social issues
Pentecostals - Gift of teaching about the power of God and the Holy Spirit
Nazarenes - Gift of teaching on holiness
Roman Catholics - Gift of teaching on Authority and the (Righteous) fear of God
Anglicans - Gift of teaching the balance of the Word and Liturgy
Mennonites - Gift of teaching on reconciliation
Blacks - Gift of the longsuffering nature of God
Hispanics - Gift of the family of God
Whites - Gift of the aspect in authority
Native Indians - Gift of being spiritual warriors and the work of the Holy Spirit
Muslims - Gift of the fear of the Lord (we need to be willing to give our very lives to the Lord--Muslims love their lives not unto death for their god)
We cannot only link up with those that think the way we do because we will miss the full counsel of God, and we will miss the fullness of God in our lives. If you have left organized churches, first of all, make sure it was the Lord that called you to leave. If you are involved in an organized church, not all that have left your church are "missing it" or [making a mistake]. We need to encourage one another. Realize that the Lord is drawing each of us unto Himself, and we cannot look at the context of others' lives and judge them.
Many walk away from their churches offended when they feel they have outgrown the level of revelation their pastor is teaching. Many leave without even checking with the Father on what He desires. We then judge others that remain in the system and consider them less enlightened than us, while they may be obedient to the Lordâ?Ts desire for them. There are many believers called to remain in their churches because God wants them to remain as Kingdom influencers for Him.
God wants His Kingdom to impact every sphere of life, every government, every business, every church, etc. We do not need to understand, but we just need to know this is so. If someone is in an unhealthy church situation, just pray for them, and direct them to Jesus. He will make their paths straight. If we are in Christ, we do not need to be bound by our society. We can influence and change the "Matrix" of society.
We need to see each other the way the Lord sees us. We need to love others the way the Lord loves them. We need to appreciate each other and build relationships that will transform our lives and our communities. The Light will rise up to dispel darkness in the world as we allow Christ to live through us. The world is waiting for us....Romans 8:18-19 says, "Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will give us later. For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who His children really are."
They are waiting for us, all of creation! Are you ready to live as sons and daughters of the living God in every phase of your life? As you grow in intimacy with the Lord, watch the transformation take place in your lives. Begin to see the impact you have as a king and as a priest in the context of the life God has chosen for you. Are you ready to join the revolution? We need you! I need you, as I cannot fulfill my part without you.
Letâ?Ts battle together for the King & His Kingdom in Jesus name.
April 28, 2006
Robert Ricciardelli
Visionary Advancement Strategies