Richard and Joy McIlvaine
NonDenominationalChristian @ gmail.com
NLCF, Inc. Since 1980
Changed Lives Testimony's
" You ministered God's Love and Goodness bringing healing and life.
My life was changed and I rejoice other lives are being changed to."
J.N. WA , USA , December 21, 2014
"Since I've met you, I am believing His supernatural Word and work as you taught me and my people in SOI class. I am awakened from dogma and theology which couldn't bring me to real gospel. This morning I heard your recorded lecture while I was driving.
Everyday I want to enter His presence as like you."
Your sincere brother Senior Pastor Sung Joo Lee , May 16, 2012
Two Wings Healthy Church - Jin Kwang Church,
Myeong Mok Dong, Joon Rang - Gu , Seoul, Korea 131-831
Welles & Katrin write, December 11, 2009
"Rick and Joy's consistent ministry to us in prayer and exhortation,
has been and is an ongoing encouragement to Welles and myself.
Their lives are an example of what they are teaching and their joy is catching,
especially Joy's. Many times what Pastor Rick talks to me about will turn out
to be confirmation to what God has already put in my heart,
or will get me on the right track."
Welles & Katrin Hoffmann, Bellevue , WA
Kangmoo & Hyunsun Choi write, November 22, 2009
"We thank God that He gave us much grace in our lives through your ministry.
We've learned what these means to our lives; being a servant of the Lord,
being a friend of Jesus, being a son of Heavenly Father, and being a bride of Jesus.
You didn't just taught these to us, but live a model how to LIVE these.
We've tried to find "What's MY ministry or What's MY calling,
but found that we should say, "What do YOU do, Lord?"
Where do YOU see and go? Let us follow YOU". It is not about the 'ME' thing,
but it is about 'HIM'. You've helped us to refocus Him, getting out of me, me, me stuff."
Kangmoo & Hyunsun Choi, Seoul, Korea Nov. 22, 09
Jerry & Penny Zelinsky write, November 22, 2009"Jerry and I really enjoyed serving on the Healing Room's ministry team as we saw many lives touched by God's love and healed by His power. Rick & Joy gave so much of themselves to their team and to the people who came for prayer, week after week. We were truly blessed by their faithfulness and the training and impartation that we received.We went on to lead the prayer ministry at our own churchand believe their mentoring gave us the confidence to undertake this task.God bless you both as you follow your mandate to see the body of Christ healed, set free and released into ministry!"By Jerry & Penny Zelinsky, Renton, WA November 22, 2009 Vivian Zoller writes, December 7, 2009" I have been greatly blessed by Rick & Joy as I have prayed with them,ministered with them in the Divine Healing Rooms, and traveled toCanada, & Korea with them.Their ministry has taught me I must seek God first in everything, that I am loved,appreciated and have a divine purpose to fulfill.I have been mentored & let loose with much love & wisdom."By: Vivian Zoller, Woodinville, WA , December 7, 2009YongJin Rhee writes, November 30, 2009" Bless this ministry for being an instrument to bring not only myself intohaving a personal relationship with Jesus but countless others as well."YongJin & SunMi Rhee, Ottawa, Canada November 30, 2009
S.A. writes, December 22, 2009
"The ( Divine ) Healing Rooms have been such a life line to me
during the middle of a transitional time.
Rick and Joy have brought so much encouragement and wisdom
from the Word for my marriage, parenting, and health issues.
Words of knowledge, and many other gifts of the Spirit operate
through them and their team.
It has been an incredible blessing having them in my life."
S.A. Renton, WA
ill writes, December 9, 2009"I lack words to express all the goodness I received from our Lord during the 4 years I came to the ( Divine ) Healing Rooms.The sweetness of our Lord's presence and the love and acceptanceand encouragement of you both and the prayer team helped me to persevere in coming as truth and light dispelled darkness and God's power broke bondage's and cleansed and healed the broken places in my soul. I can truly say that I thank God on every remembranceof the Healing Rooms and miss this sanctuary." By:Jill Naegle , Issaquah, WA December 8, 2009K.F. writes, November 23, 2009
" I served as a team member for the Divine Healing Room
led by Pastors Rick and Joy Mcilvaine from 200? to 200?.
During this time, I heard several individuals give testimony
about how God healed them physically or emotionally.
Several of these healing's occurred prior to the prayer ministry
time as the people simply sat in the presence of God
and while listening to teaching from The Bible.
Before the Healing Room opened for the evening,
the team members joined together to pray, worship and focus
all of their attention on Jesus Christ, giving Him thanks
and glory for all that He would do that evening.
You always had faith that Jesus had already completed the work
before the people had even arrived at the Healing Room.
Rick and Joy often shared that it was their desire for people
to be healed immediately upon walking into the building
because of the presence of The Holy Spirit.
I believe that this often occurred.
Rick and Joy always encouraged individuals
visiting the Healing Room to turn all of their attention
and thoughts towards Jesus Christ and to meet with Him,
encounter Him, rather than a ministry.
This is truly a humble ministry with a great love for Jesus Christ,
His Holy Word and His people.
Rick and Joy Mcilvaine truly believe and live according to Isaiah 53."
By: K.F. , Seattle, WA November 23, 2009
Pastor Luiz writes, Richard & Joy McIlvaine Ministries June 16, 2010
"I could not walk neither flex my knees. Now, I can walk. "
Pastor Luis Rodriguez, Lima, Peru, handwritten note by Peru translator - Dean
3rd Annual Peru Pastor's Conference, Lima, Peru, June 14-18, 2010 www.coj.org
(Pastor Luis was videotaped walking and running across front platform after prayer)
Mrs. Joen writes, Richard & Joy McIlvaine Ministries, May 20, 2010
" I had an uterus removal operation last year. Since then,
I have had pain when breathing. However after I got a healing prayer from
Pastor Richard the pain has absolutely gone. Hallelujah !! "
E-mail from Gimhae, Korea, from Translator Jee Hyun Lee, June 28, 2010
Hyun Jung An writes, my daughter, Song, Ye En ( 7years old ), had got a diagnosis of nodal child vocal cords from her doctor.
On this 17th, I felt that her cracked voice just was better right (after) on taking a healing prayer.
I thank for it to the Creator, my Heavenly Father.
An, Hyun Jung , Korea May 17, 2010
Kim, Jin Young writes, I was totally out of money, my Lord, God provided my need with unexpected dividend payment from my insurance company. May 19, 2010 , Korea
My son, An, Ji Won, ( 6years old ) had got a diagnosis of balanoposthitis from the doctor. On this 17th, right after he got a healing prayer, he told me that the pain he has had just gone. Next morning, I saw that there are no swollen and I praise the Lord curing my son. May 17, 2010 Korea
S.W. writes, " I miss you a lot. It was wonderful and memorable years
years we had a SRC. You were a blessing to us. We love you, I will
always pray for you, I will always bless you & pray for you for what
you do, your ministry is life changing to a lot of peoples.
Thank you for everything..."
S.W. - Maryland,USA - December 20. 2009
Terry writes, Hi Richard and Joy, Nov. 23. 2009
" God is so Real to me than ever.
Thanks for your good work.
You are changing the lives of many
who come to contact with your Ministry."
Terry Writes , "I am happy to write a few lines on my cataract healing.
In the summer of 2005 I begun experiencing vision problem.
I thought originally my near sightedness got worse,
but my optometrist told me that I had cataracts.
I had a business trip to Seattle that summer.
My wife looked up a healing place in the internet and I decided
to go to one of them while in town.
Richard and his associates prayed over me.
Of course Richard did not know who I was.
Richard must have sensed something although I did not; he said,
"Did you feel something?"
I meditated at the airport the following morning (within 8-hour period),
and then I was healed instantly after I felt something hot on my left arm.
Immediately after this, I was able to read airline monitors clearly.
After I came back to NC, I visited a cornea specialist; they found no cataracts.
I told the story to doctors and nurses; they were all amazed.
One other interesting story was that one of Richard associates
told me to delegate at work. This turned out to be the direction I needed at work.
I was getting too busy at work having 14 employees in my division.
I began delegating after I came back; things have never been the same since then.
My career blossomed and my authority increased at work;
all these blessings followed supernaturally. "
Dr. Terry Yoshizumi, Hillsborough, NC, USA
Duke University, Associate Professor of Radiology
Nancy Smith writes, December 1, 2009
"I was healed many times at the Eastside Healing Rooms.
My back was touched, a shoulder injury healed and post surgery issues
healed quickly as well. I saw family members come and be healed .
My mother was healed of stomach pain problems and
now lives a thriving energetic full life in her late 70's!
I was a member of the Divine Healing Rooms of Eastside for 4 years
and I have to say the one thing I admire most about the Mcllvaine's
is that they totally protect the annointing at all cost.
They are ministers that have the utmost integrity, honesty
and love for Christ and do his will intently.
I have observed that they are not ashamed of the outpouring of the Spirit
and allow people to freely experience Him.
They are kind and gentle when ministering to others.
Rick brings the word which is always the rhema of God,
a very ready word for those coming and the annointing and
presence of God accompany his preaching.
Joy and Rick are a fabulous team that oooze healing annointing
and God's Glory presence, They are humble and respect others,
always compassionate towards their needs.
They carry the annointing with total respect and humility,
they are truly my examples- in the faith."
By: Nancy Smith, Des Moines, WA
Mrs. K C, Sammamish, WA writes by Email , March 14, 2011
" In May 2010, our much loved 12 1/2 year old Golden Retriever was diagnosed with a fast spreading melanoma. We had the original tumor surgically removed from her gums at that time and we were sad to see another tumor that appeared in her neck on the same side as the oral tumor and that showed up in late January which meant the cancer was likely spreading into her lymphatic system. The secondary tumor continued to grow at an alarming rate and I knew the prognosis for Maggie was not good. We had the tumor biopsied and it was definitely melanoma. Still, we didn't give up hope. I increased all of her supplements (everything from L-Glutathione from a company called Immunocal to the Budwig protocol for cancer to a strict diet with low carbs, high protein and absolutely no sugar. I increased the selenium; added zinc, put her on a baking soda / filtered water protocol, etc) but the tumor continued to grow ... from the size of a grape to a large softball in less than 2 1/2 weeks. At one point, her entire face swelled as if she had been stung by a bee and her sleep was so restless that I couldn't stand the thought of her suffering and decided I needed to take her to our regular vet to discuss euthanasia. Our wonderful vet saw Maggie on Feb. 24thand held the clinic open for us (on a late snowy night). I called the family to let them know where we were going and my husband met us there. The vet wanted to try one more thing so, gave Maggie an anti-inflammatory shot and an antibiotic thinking the additional upper facial swelling might simply go down but that a visit to the oncologist was recommended because she just didn't have any idea 'what to do about the cancerous tumor.' The additional facial swelling did go down, Maggie seemed to be a bit more comfortable and we just continued to go day by day.... I took Maggie to a canine oncologist on March 1 to discuss our options....and nothing seemed 'doable' for an older dog. I had been involved in the ministry of prayer and healing before, but for some reason, did not feel called with the specific gift of healing; I have more of a gift of administration; possibly discernment; but haven't been blessed with the wonderful gift of healing and this is a gift that I heard the McIlvaine's did have. They told me they had been praying for the sick for thirty years. I took Maggie to the McIlvaine's for hands-on prayer soon after the oncology appointment. They lovingly prayed for Maggie and that alone was a comfort to me! But, it turned out to be more than a comfort. Miraculously; the tumor began to shrink and in 2 days, there was a SIGNIFICANT change in the size! It was about 1/3 the original size and everyone commented on it. Our 19 year old son asked me "where did Maggie's basketball go?" I have to say, I was told to 'come, expecting a miracle' and I did that but I guess I was really just HOPING for a miracle and now, I have seen it first hand. I returned with Maggie to show Richard and Joy the incredible results of a loving God and to thank them for their willingness to do the Lord's work here on earth and they again prayed for Maggie and now, the tumor is completely gone....Maggie is back to chasing squirrels, barking at the neighbor's dogs and loving life I am so thankful and give all the glory to the Lord with much appreciation to Richard and Joy !
With love", By: Mrs. K C & Maggie, Sammamish, WA March 14, 2011 by Email March 14, 2011
( Copies of Original Testimony's and full names kept on file -
from email's, letters, notes, etc.- some Testimony's shortened for space )