Richard and Joy McIlvaine
NonDenominationalChristian @ gmail.com
NLCF, Inc. Since 1980
Korea Ministry
God has raised up Korea
for a Purpose and Destiny !
Korea is being used by God to share the Gospel
to nations all over the world !
See Korean language website:
Rev. Dayoung Kimn's website : http://www.enest.org
for Richard McIlvaine's Korea ministry information and
other Korean Conferences, Schools, Mission trips, etc. see www.RichardMcilvaine.com
Richard & Joy McIlvaine have been ministering in Korea since 1997, doing Conferences,
church meetings, 3 month Bible School for Pastors and Leaders, Impartation Ministries Intl,- IMI ,
The School of Impartation - SOI, meetings in Seoul and Busan, other places, with Rev. Dayoung Kimn,
various churches all over Korea,
meetings with Rev. H.O. Kim's meeting's in Seoul, Isaac's Well, Gangwha Island,
and YWAM, University of Nations, Jeju Island , etc.
Richard and his family lived in Seoul, South Korea for 3 months in 1998 doing a Bible School
for about 75+ Pastors and Leaders, and also ministering in various ways there in a local church.
Richard usually goes to South Korea four or more times a year
ministering in different places - Seoul, Gimhae/Busan, etc.
Please pray that God would continue to bless Korea and use the Korean Christians to
impact Korea and the world with the Gospel.
Fragrance of Jesus ( Yeahyang ) church, Pastor Baik, YeHang, Korea ,
Conference with Rev. H.O. Kim, KangMoo and Hyunsun Choi, Shine, others
Nov. 10th-13th, 2011
Richard McIlvaine sharing Sunday Morning Service, Hyun Sun Bae translating !!!
God showed up, Awesome meetings...

Richard McIlvaine at Lunch meeting of Pastors supporting the School of Impartation
Seoul, Korea , October 2010

Richard & Joy visiting the Presidental "Blue House" in Seoul, Korea during a break on a ministry trip!

Richard McIlvaine and Dayoung Kimn waiting for a flight home in the Asiana Airport Lounge Incheon, Seoul, Korea, working together in ministry in Korea since 1997.
May 22, 2010 - Richard McIlvaine with School of Impartation Morning Class students,
Gimhae/Busan, South Korea. 2 weeks of Morning and Evening classes of Students to
bring teaching, impartation, healing, and encouragement, etc.

Richard sharing with Steve Baik translating at Impartation Ministries Intl Conference
with Dayoung Kimn, Director and other speakers at Sarang Church Prayer Mountain
outside of Seoul, Korea!

Young Korean boy in Seoul, Korea church receving prayer, he didn't pull away or seem to want me to stop as God was touching him, so I prayed for some time for him. Jesus said, don't hinder the little children from coming to Me.

Impartation Conference in South Korea with Dayoung Kimn's Ministry.
Richard sharing with a translator. Wonderful times of Worship, Sharing and Personal Ministry to those who came. Using mats to sit on instead of chairs, works great.