Richard and Joy McIlvaine
NonDenominationalChristian @ gmail.com
NLCF, Inc. Since 1980
Healing Testimony's
Selected Testimony's
Pastor Luiz writes, Richard & Joy McIlvaine Ministries June 16, 2010
"I could not walk neither flex my knees. Now, I can walk. "
Pastor Luis Rodriguez, Lima, Peru, handwritten note by Peru translator - Dean
3rd Annual Peru Pastor's Conference, Lima, Peru, June 14-18, 2010 www.coj.org
(Pastor Luis was videotaped walking and running across front platform after prayer)
Mrs. Joen writes, Richard & Joy McIlvaine Ministries, May 20, 2010
" I had an uterus removal operation last year. Since then,
I have had pain when breathing. However after I got a healing prayer from
Pastor Richard the pain has absolutely gone. Hallelujah !! "
E-mail from Gimhae, Korea, from Translator Jee Hyun Lee, June 28, 2010
Hyun Jung An writes, " Richard & Joy McIlvaine Ministries, May 17, 2010
My daughter, Song, Ye En ( 7years old ),
had got a diagnosis of nodal child vocal cords from her doctor.
On this 17th, I felt that her cracked voice just was better right on taking a healing prayer.
I thank for it to the Creator, my Heavenly Father.
An, Hyun Jung , Gimhae, Korea May 17, 2010
Pat writes, Richard & Joy McIlvaine Ministries Dec 31, 2009
" I have had Eczema on my feet and legs for some time. Was becoming so bad
that during sleep I would be itching and rubbing areas causing bleeding.
Received prayers from Richard and that night, for the 1st time in several nights,
I slept all night with no itching !!
Thank you and blessings to Richard for his prayers! Thank you God !! "
Signed: Pat Manning , Las Vegas ,NV December 31, 2009
Terri calls, Divine Healing Rooms - Seattle Eastside January 24, 2008
Her friend Bonnie whom she brought to the Divine Healing Rooms some months ago
for prayer for Uterine Cancer went to the doctor, couldn't find any cancer cells, gave her
an injection anyway, she went back again after that, still could not find any cancer cells,
Doctor says , " No Cancer " !!!
Telephone call, Jan 24, 2008 by Terri, Seattle ,WA January 24, 2008
Martha writes, Divine Healing Rooms - Seattle Eastside July 31, 2007
" You got a word of knowledge about my ears, the next day I was upholstering...in a small church. My ears were going through many manifestations, "pressure changes, etc.". Thank you for being a great powerful servant of our Father God in Jesus Name."
Sincerely, Martha Keller." Signed, handwritten Testimony, Seattle Wa July 31, 2007
Nicolette writes, Divine Healing Rooms - Seattle Eastside June 5, 2007
" As two prayer partners encircled me and prayed the Love of God over me,
I was delivered of a deep oppression. I feel a new freedom in my life.
Praise God, He is so Faithful. "
Signed, Handwritten Testimony, Nicolette R. Newcastle, WA June 5, 2007
Shelly writes, Divine Healing Rooms - Seattle Eastside May 01, 2007
" I was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer in January 2006.
After many trips to the Divine Healing Rooms and much prayers, God granted my request.
My last MRI in February 2007 showed the tumors are gone !
The Doctors say I am in remission but I know I'm HEALED.
I'm humbled and in total awe of how Great GOD IS ! "
Signed, Handwritten Testimony, Shelly R. Sammamish, WA May 1, 2007
Wanda writes, Divine Healing Rooms - Seattle Eastside March 13, 2007
" I visited the (Divine) Healing Rooms on Match 6, 2007 having decided enough was enough!
Since my car accident in October of 2004, I have had a series of accidents and conditions that left me feeling like I was ready to give up, conceding to a life of daily pain.
When I caught myself thinking about death and dying, I felt the Lord remind me of the words He has spoken in the past that clearly indicated my time and my purpose was not thru.
I resolved to come to the (Divine) Healing Rooms and to keep coming till I am whole.
Katrin and Holy prayed over me and gave me some instruction, which I have continued to follow. ..Then Rick & Joy prayed over me. Rick prayed 1st over my mind, that all cloudiness of thought, foggy memory and oppression would leave me. He prayed for oppression to leave. He prayed brain cells would be restored, then prayer for the rest of my body continued with very specific requests regarding my spine, nerve cells, muscles, etc.
The result, I felt the touch of God in a way I haven't felt in a long time, like being brushed with a feather. I felt it in my back, legs, and head, neck and shoulders. I felt a peace wave over me.
The next day, I woke up with less pain. I have had numbness and pain from my toes up to my waist for a long time, but this morning I felt a sensation in my feet and toes that I can't describe, but knew it was good.
...I noticed my memory was better, my thoughts were more clear, Scriptures started to return to my mind again. A fresh hope and excitement was growing... There is so much more to this that God is doing this week as a result of prayer... but its too much to write."
Signed, Wanda Hebron, Bellevue, WA
Handwritten Testimony, March 13, 2007
Jane writes, Divine Healing Rooms - Seattle Eastside October 28, 2006
" I had been captive to breast cancer for the past 10 years.
I received the Holy Spirit today and Satan was evicted from my body.
When the Intercessors prayed and commanded Satan to leave,
I experienced intense pain in my lower right abdomen, like someone was ripping out
something by the roots. The pain stopped and I knew the enemy was gone.
I was and am completely healed and healthy and whole from my Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ."
Signed, J.K. Redmond, WA USA
Handwritten Testimony October 28, 2006
S.C. writes, Divine Healing Rooms - Seattle Eastside October 28, 2006
" I came today on the National Day of Healing to be prayed for healing
of diabetes. As I was being prayed for it was clear that the Holy Spirit was directing
the prayer. I was prayed for in all areas that I needed. I had not made these areas known beforehand. The Love of Jesus truly flowed in and around me today.
Thank you Holy Spirit for healing me completely! "
Signed, S.C. , Seattle, WA USA
Signed, handwritten Testimony October 28, 2006
Linda writes, Divine Healing Rooms - Seattle Eastside September 5, 2006
" I have [had] asthma all my life - 56 years. I was prayed for and the bronchial tubes opened up. I had a vision just before prayer of a little girl ( me ) crippled and couldn't run to Jesus.
After prayer I ran around the room a couple of times and had no trouble breathing.
God has a lot for me to do and I need to be able to keep up with Him!"
Signed: Linda Bothwell, Gig Harbor, WA September 5, 2006 (Handwritten Testimony)
C.M. writes, Divine Healing Rooms - Seattle Eastside August 9, 2006
" Healing Rooms have been extremely powerful last week and this week. I know the Lord healed me last week of a deep, deep, emotional and physical trauma that occurred when I was only 12 years old. I know the healing through man's ways would definitely take months to a year or more to be completely healed, to walk through. The Lord did it suddenly healing on me !!!! Incredible, all the glory goes to Him and He did the healing and no one else !!! It was Him who took away the memories, the pain, the fear, the torment and the trauma.
I AM HEALED !!! I AM HEALED !!!! I AM HEALED !!!! I have a testimony of how great God is and His healing that manifested without " the feelings of God is healing" me. It was indiscernible and yet it was there and moving in my mind, emotions, soul, body, and spirit. I am still amazed at God one week later. Walking in awe of God. I understand more of what Richard ( Divine Healing Rooms Director) says when he states, " You may not feel God's power, but He is moving in and through you." The whole time, I was experiencing the trauma and crying tears that had been held for 36 years. Yet God was in that memory and releasing HIS thorough, miraculous, and complete healing and I was unaware. I give HIM all praise and worship and honor and thanks. It is truly a miracle that I experienced on August 1, 2006 . The Lord has healed me. Completely. No more nightmares, no more questions. HE healed me with no man saying I did this and all the evidence points to HIM. Poppa God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are a united team and more powerful than I had imagined. ..Set free and healed and abounding in Him,"
By: C.M. Seattle, WA written and sent by email August 9, 2006
S. writes, Divine Healing Rooms - Seattle Eastside April 11, 2006
In December, 2005, I was diagnosed with a fast growing soft tissue cancer.
I've been receiving prayer here at the Divine Healing Rooms since then and it has given me strength.
Also, my last MRI revealed that 90% of the tumors are gone - Praise God!
I'm believing that the other 10% are on their way out as well - for complete healing!
Signed, S.R. , Seattle area, WA April 11, 2006 ( Handwritten Testimony with full name on file )
Barbara writes, Divine Healing Rooms - Seattle Eastside April 10, 2006
I injured my left Achilles tendon about eight months ago. It became very, very painful. I tried everything from resting it for weeks- to stretching it and nothing helped. My left Achilles hurt continuously. Sometimes I would jump awake at night from a stabbing pain in my Achilles. Finally, I went to an ankle/foot specialist who took one look at it and ordered tests. He noticed on examining both my legs that I had a small knot in my R Achilles and a much larger knot in my L Achilles. He ordered an ultra sound immediately and showed me the results. The Right Achilles was enlarged and swollen but WOW look at the L Achilles. My L Achilles was nearly twice the size of my R Achilles. He said "this is full of disease and scar tissue." I am immobilizing this now so you don't injure it any further and I am ordering an MRI. He put my L foot in a large walking boot up to the knee and gave me a splint to wear at night. He ordered some anti-inflammatory pills which I picked up at the drug store.
This was on a Monday, the next day (Feb. 28, 2006) I went to the Divine Healing Rooms- Seattle Eastside in Newcastle and had my L Achilles prayed for. After the prayer, I felt relief from the pain and took off the boot. My attitude in going to the healing rooms that night was: "I will go and if God heals me great and if not it's ok, I just want to be in the presence of the Lord." There is a strong presence of the Lord at the Divine Healing Rooms.
Praise the Lord I stayed at the Divine Healing Rooms that night and noticed my leg got better and better. Later that night, I woke up by a stabbing pain in my L Achilles again. I rebuked the pain in Jesus name and it left. When I got up the next morning, I was surprised how my left Achilles was as good as new and my R Achilles was still stiff cause I hadn't asked for prayer for that one.
That Friday I proceeded to have a 2 hour MRI with a follow-up Doctors visit a few days later. When the Doctor reexamined my L Achilles he was surprised as it was 100% fine. I told him that I had gone to the Divine Healing Rooms and believed God had healed me. I asked him what he saw on the MRI. He said "it looked fine and he would have expected a lot more pathology from the MRI". He examined my R Achilles and proceeded to advise me on how to get my good leg better now.
Praise the Lord By His Stripes We are Healed God is Faithful and God is Good
My Left Achilles is 100% healed to this day and I am very grateful to the Lord everyday for the Healing.
By: Barbara Snyder, Seattle, WA April 10, 2006 by Email
P.R. writes, Divine Healing Rooms- Seattle Eastside November 8, 2005
" My prayer request last Tuesday was for pain, infection & swelling in my lower gums,
and ear to be touched by God; the pain, infection & swelling is gone!
Thank you Lord in Jesus Name."
Signed: P.R. , Seattle, WA
Christine writes, "Dear Rick and Joy, September 21, 2005 by E-mail
Here is my testimony. I hope that it will encourage others.
Around the 18th of July,2005 I felt a soreness at the front of my neck when applying some lotion. About two weeks later, I realized that there was a hard lump there--about the size of a marble near the location of my adam's apple. I made an appointment with the doctor and was seen on August 9, 2005. The doctor, a GP, said that he thought it was probably a "thyroid nodule", and told me to set up an appointment with an endocrinologist in no less than 2 weeks. That night I went to the Divine Healing Rooms and received prayer for it.
I saw the endocrinologist on the 16th of August,2005 and he aspirated some fluid from the "bump" for a biopsy. He said that these nodules DON'T GO AWAY, so he talked to me about possible surgery to remove it, which I declined. I went to the Divine Healing Rooms again that evening and got prayer again. A few days later I got the pathology results, stating that the nodule was not malignant. On August 24th,2005 I went in for an ultra sound and the technician couldn't find the lump. IT WAS GONE. I am so grateful to God for showing His love for me in this way. God Bless you all at the Divine Healing Rooms.
Love, Christine Ganfield," Seattle, WA USA
Terry writes, " Hi Richard, Re: Update on Cataracts : Cataracts Gone! July 29, 2005 by email
Praise the Lord!!!! I just had an eye exam for cataracts at Duke Eye Center.
My eyes are completely healthy and cataracts are gone. Doctors and technician were amazed about my story. Please feel free to share my testimony with others.
God bless you and your ministry. Thank you so much.
Terry Yoshizumi, PhD. Associate Professor of Radiology
Duke University , Durham, NC
In a message dated 7/29/2005 11:18:49 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
Terry Yoshizumi writes:
Dear Richard and Joy,
I attended a session on Tuesday 7/26/05. You prayed over for the healing of my eye problems. GOD used you to heal me from cataract on both eyes. Praise the Lord.
On Wednesday morning (7/27/05) I was driving back to the airport; the air was calm and the sky was clear. but I saw lightning flashes several times in my eyes while driving.
At the airport, I was documenting the event of the previous night at the Divine Healing Rooms, Eastside in my laptop. I was sitting in the coffee table and all the sudden I felt heat, real hot heat sensation on my left forearm which lasted about 5-10 minutes. I even sensed a smell of coffee table burning under my forearm. I was completely separated from surroundings and I was in meditation mode feeling the heat from Holy Sprit (some kind of energy flowing through my arm).
Also I would like to share about faith that brings healing.
I had $81 in my wallet at the session Tuesday night. When the offering time came, I wondered how much I should give, $15, $20, ????
Then I remembered a story of a poor old woman giving her best to God; now I had to operate by faith. I decided to give all $80 I had in my wallet and kept $1.
I would also like to share my thoughts from this experience.
I think that miracles and wonders are all around us and we just need to learn how to tap into these. God is always a generous God. There is abundance of love and healing power flowing from God. I wish more churches teach healing through God.
Thank you Richard and Joy for your ministry of healing.
PS I have an appointment with a cataract specialist at Duke University Medical Center on August 4, 2005. I know what he is going to tell me, " Dr. Yoshizumi, I don't see any sign of cataract in your eyes." I will keep you posted on this.
Terry T. Yoshizumi, Ph.D., DABR, DABMP, DABSNM
Duke University Radiation Safety Officer
Associate Professor of Radiology
Director, OESO Radiation Safety Division
Director, Health Physics Track, Medical Physics Graduate Program
Director, Joint Radiation Dosimetry Laboratory
August 5, 2005 Terry Yoshizumi writes by email:
Hi Richard,
Strange thing was that my visions went down right after I came back from the bible camp/vacation in Colorado Springs second wk of July as if it was an enemy's attack.
I had all the indications of cataracts; particularly, my right eye had cloudiness and was unable to read/recognize letters in books and fonts in computer screen. I had to use maximum font size and still had to use magnifying reading glasses.
Initially I went to an eye doctor (Doctor of Optometry); I thought my eye glasses need to be changed. To my surprise, she found cataracts in both eyes. This was around the third wk of July. She referred me to a cataract specialist (Ophthalmologist, Medical Doctor).
Best, Terry
David writes, Divine Healing Rooms- Seattle Eastside Testimony Form July 26, 2005
"David (my little son) suffered from atopic dermatitis. He could not sleep well at night. So did his parents (not sleep at night). After he got a pray from the pastor Richard, he could sleep well and the swollen and red face was much better. He becomes better day by day. Thank you Lord."
Signed: David Lee, Seattle, WA July 26, 2005
Tom writes, " I have had a spinal deformity since birth with daily pain so bad at times I couldn't hardly get out of bed. I am pain free today �" Praise the Lord !" Written testimony received at the Divine Healing Rooms- Seattle Eastside
Signed: Tom Smith, Seattle, WA USA July 5, 2005
Nancy writes, " My family is reporting healings as I have sent or given the prayer cloths out. My aunt reported putting the cloth on her granddaughters baby and he was healed of a high fever and teething problems quickly!!!"
By email: Nancy S. May 5, 2005 Seattle,WA
Ramona writes, "8 weeks ago (exactly), I fell before coming up to the Healing Room. I was prayed for & felt the power of God in my arm. I left and went to the emergency room to get x-rays on my elbow and wrist. My elbow was fractured. By the time I got to the orthopedic specialist, they decided I didn't need a cast just a sling and rest. Within 2 weeks I had my elbow x-rayed again and there was no signs of a break or fracture. Praise God !"
Signed: Ramona Butorac, May 3, 2005 Spanaway, WA
Sherry writes, " Rick & Joy, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I am personally so blessed by Jesus through your ministry as are so many. What a treasure abides in the Divine Healing Rooms & He is Jesus. Thank you for your commitment to Him and His people."
Signed: Sherry S. April 30, 2005 Issaquah, WA
Jessie writes, " I entered the Divine Healing Rooms with a leg injury from playing basketball. It disabled me from walking for a few days. When I finally did walk, I limped and my right leg would collapse on me time to time. While I was sitting reaching for God, Pastor Rick had a word from Jesus and said someone here has pain in their right leg. Right then I knew it was me. I got prayed for my leg and gradually the pain left and I could walk without a limp. It was really cool. God revealed through Pastor Rick some emotional issues I was dealing with as well. It was simply just awesome. Spirit of God is alive and living and has helped me realize how loving He {God} really is. Thank you Jesus!
Signed: Mr. Jessie Kim, Federal Way, WA Feb. 22, 2005
Kerry writes, " Since I was here last summer and was prayed for, many good things have happened. I used to have nightmares all the time, but since coming here, the nightmares have completely stopped! I used to have respiratory problems often, and was getting sinus infections every month. Since coming here for prayer, I no longer get sinus infections- I haven't had one for six months! My hands used to be stiff and sore when I got up in the morning; now that I've been prayed for here, they are feeling better! The Lord has healed and delivered me from things in my spirit and soul, too. Since coming here for prayer, I feel better on the inside, too! People who know me have commented on seeing the difference in me since I've been here."
Signed: Kerry MacPhail, Bellevue, WA January 25, 2005 (unsolicited testimony)
Pam writes, " My lower back had been aching sharply for weeks, but it wasn't long into the service before the ache was greatly diminished. My greatest healing need was for clinical depression. While I was being prayed over, I could feel tingling in my head. I will be waiting on the Lord to hear that I don't need my medication anymore! Our God is so good!"
Signed, Pam Earl, Covington, WA January 4, 2005
Ted writes, " For the past 3 years I have had bad Dermatitis on my legs below my knees. It would itch sometimes at night so bad I couldn't sleep. After the last visit to the Doctor He couldn't believe my legs. He said it's as if it had never been there. Rick ( Divine Healing Rooms Team ) prayed and God healed me."
Signed: Ted Allen, Renton, WA October 19, 2004
D N writes, " I came to the (Divine) Healing Room one evening. I was seeking the Lord for a specific area. As I sat and listened To the speaker share a message on healing, the speaker felt led by the Spirit that God wanted to heal someone of asthma. I had prayed that day for God to heal me of asthma, but that was not what I was seeking prayer for. As the speaker continued to pray I knew God was healing me of asthma. During his prayer, I began to be able to take a full breath. Before he prayed, I was having difficulty getting a full breath. It felt wonderful to be able to breathe deeply! I praise God and thank Him for His healing of my asthma. Thank you to all of those who serve in the Divine Healing Room Ministry. I felt greatly encouraged from my time there. Thank you and God's peace to all of you!" Signed: D N WA Oct 12, 2004 ( initials only per request )
Kerry writes, " The Lord healed me of asthma, insomnia, rejection; He delivered me from nightmares, masonry, and healed my finances. Many things I have been praying for years were suddenly answered!" Signed: Kerry MacPhail, Bellevue, WA September 21, 2004
Ruth writes, " Since coming to the (Divine) Healing Rooms, I have begun to recover from chronic infection & debilitating pain. My ability to sense God's Presence has begun to increase as a result of prayer as well. I was dying and now I've begun to stabilize." Signed: R.J. , Greater Seattle, WA September 7, 2004
S.H. writes, " A word of knowledge was given which went right to the heart of why I came to the (Divine) Healing Rooms. The word of knowledge was a burning in the right ear. Family members had been saying hurtful things to me. The prayer ministers addressed everything I had written on my Prayer Information Sheet without ever reading it. Everything Generational curses, nervous system was prayed for. I am completely refreshed!" Signed: S.H. Seattle, WA August 31, 2004
For Dick, Darlene writes, " My husband, Dick, is hospitalized with cancer in and around his left eye area. It had continued to grow until Rick McIlvaine recently provided him with tapes of his teachings on cancer healing, a prayer cloth, and personal prayer with laying on of hands. Since Rick's ministry, Dick's cancer has gone into remission. He looks much healthier, he feels stronger, and he has a more cheerful attitude."
Signed: Darlene Wilson, Seattle, WA August 19, 2004
Darlene writes, " I injured my knee in a fall two years ago and it had been painful since. Ryan ( Divine Healing Rooms team member & intern for Randy Clark Global Awakening) prayed for healing of my knee on a Tuesday evening when he was here for a brief time several weeks ago. At the time he said he knew it as healed, but I still felt a little pain. But by the next Sunday my knee was totally free of pain both while walking and climbing stairs. At one time after that I did feel the pain coming back, but by affirming my healing it soon left. Praise God ! And Thank you Ryan."
Signed: Darlene Wilson, Renton, WA August 19, 2004
Kerry writes, " I used to have asthma until they prayed for me. Now I can breathe easily & deeply without my lungs wheezing or rattling. There has been a huge improvement. I used to have a serious struggle with insomnia, too. After they prayed for me, I began to sleep again normally every night. The difference is really incredible! The Lord has really done miracles for me."
Signed: Kerry MacPhail, Bellevue, WA August 10, 2004
Pastor Yvonne writes, " Healed my Colon after prayer last year here! "
signed: Pastor Yvonne Galloway, Tukwila, WA August 3, 2004
Don writes, " I am so happy that god & you folks have this healing ministry-my ears and eyes and soul have really been benefited by your words.
God Bless you all who minister!"
Don Deyoe, Renton,WA July 14, 2004
Sharon writes, " Swelling in my leg has been healed, Thank Jesus!"
S.V. Issaquah,WA July 8, 2004
Ruth writes, " For the past year my nervous / electrical system has been being
over stimulated because I had a battery effect inside. This was caused by extremely
high levels of metal & infection ( mercury, uranium, & rhodium ) interacting with
titanium cage & disc's in my back causing me to feel electrocuted all over.
But Rick began to pray for the electrical system in my body and heart to be regulated and right.
This was a word of knowledge because I didn't say a word about it.
I am receiving this rebalancing as a result. Thank you Jesus !!! "
Signed: Ruth James, Woodinville, WA July 1, 2004
Don Deyoe writes, " I feel much lighter, and I can hear much better and my eyes are
free from the dry movement to a more free movement, my hearing is really different,
I can hear so many more sounds now !!! Praise God, a lady named Vivian prayed
for me, may God richly bless her. Thank you Lord, Amen!"
signed: Don Deyoe, Renton, WA June 29, 2004
V.L. writes, " Felt the strong Presence of God as soon as I walked in the Room.
God has lifted the burden, healed my heart, given me back my passion for Him."
Signed: V.L. June 29, 2004 Seattle, WA
Sarojiui writes, " I could not hear from my left ear, the pastor prayed for
opening up my left ear, for my arthritis and for my burning feet, the
Holy Spirit touched my body and now I can hear and am feeling so good in
Jesus Name. He also touched my son Sagar and touched his mind, body and soul
and his burden was lifted up by the touch of the Master.
We both bless His Holy Name and give Him all the glory belongs to Him and
use us for His glory. We give glory and Honor to our Lord Jesus Christ."
Sarojiui ( Rosie) Dhanawade, Kirkland, WA June 22, 2004
Choonja writes, " A warmth came through my whole body when Richard prayed for me.
I felt took off heaviness on my shoulder and felt lighter feet. I believe that God took the
fear of disease from me, so that I can have peaceful heart and mind."
Signed: Choonja, Ha June 2, 2004 visiting family from Seoul, Korea
Karen writes, " Last Tuesday night, 5/04/04, several members of the healing team prayed for me
concerning my need for a job- provision for finances. I also put my name with my offering last week.
( I hadn't realized that you were praying for us by name across the week). Today in the mail,
I received notice that a $1300.00 hospital bill from my October surgery had been completely cancelled
because of my financial situation!
Praise God for His abundant provision!
Bless you for your faithfulness in ministering His Grace and Mercy!"
Signed: Karen Barrett, May 11, 2004 Renton, WA
J.W., Seoul, Korea email's: (6-7 year old boy- brain tumor-cancer)
Dear Richard, Greetings and Blessings in Jesus!
I was pleased at your letter and deeply impressed your thoughtful consideration. My son has improved much in health day by day. My wife feels better and thanks to your pray, of course I do. We remember the feeling of peace in your prayer, and Don't forget that you taught us. Thanks for your help, we could have confidence in spiritual healing for our son.
Blessings, J.W. Seoul, Korea - April 18, 2004
Sylvia writes, The first week of December 2003 Ted & Lyn (Divine Healing Rooms Prayer team members) prayed for me for Sebhorea- a horrible skin condition with no known cure. I had had it seven years since my sister died. Lyn cursed the sebhorea. Totally clean scalp the next day, four months later - Still gone. Praise the Lord. Sylvia Van Parys, Renton, WA - March 31, 2004
David writes: I fell at work on September 30, 2003 and broke my back in four places. Thanks be to God that I could walk with that type of injury. I came to the Divine Healing Rooms with a cast on from my neck to my waist and was prayed for. My healing is complete. I am back to work full time. Thanks be to God!
David Whitley, North Bend, WA - March 2, 2004 and confirmed again April 27, 2004.
Zennea writes, My hips and elbow pain is gone- from lifting my daughter Crystal. Thank you, God is Good. Zennea Nelson, Maple Valley , WA - March 8, 2004
Joyce writes, I don't need my machine to breath- I can breath freely. Thank you. What was your condition before? COPD. Joyce Freeblie, Bothell, WA - March 2, 2004
Dan Wilson writes, " My son Wyatt had cancer in his lungs and lymph nodes, it was his 3rd attack since age 10, he was only given a 10 percent chance of survival by his physician.
He slowly started improving and gained strength, gained weight, tumors became smaller and recently were no longer visible on CAT-SCAN.
His present condition is good, he is getting stronger and his blood levels are slowly improving. He is also mentally better and we all believe in his total recovery.
Thank you to all our friends at the healing rooms for all your prayers, all the support over the last 10 months, it has meant everything to us ! God Bless all, you are forever in our hearts."
Dan & Edith & Wyatt , Renton, WA January 13, 2004
Vivian writes, " In the course of last six (?) years I've had numerous (12) basel cell skin cancers surgically removed. Each time I'd pray and believe. Finally one check up they found no new spots, I gave Thanks to Jesus. Then I noticed about 3 months ago a little spot on back crown of my head. It got gradually bigger & was hard. I never saw it or showed it. I just prayed it gone in Jesus Name. After hearing Rick's teaching on praying over cancer, I put myself in the "hot" seat & the group prayed according to the Word. A week later as I went to put ointment on it I realized it was gone. Hallelujah."
Vivian Zoller, Woodinville, WA Dec. 16, 2003
P.G. writes, " I came to the healing burdened for my daughter-in-law who left my son for someone else and that same night we prayed for her to come home the guy told her to go home to husband and kids. Praise of God for His power."
P. G. Bellevue,WA Dec. 16, 2003
"L. Keith writes, " I came here to the healing rooms in July and got prayer for my back which has had episodes of pain ( pinched nerve's & slipping disc's) at least once a month & sometimes more often since 1980. A couple bad car accidents had worsened the pain problems. In September 2000 Todd Bentley prayed for arthritis in the lower back & God healed it but the other pains & problems continued. Since the July prayer here I have had no major episodes of back pain, slipped disc.'s, pinched nerves; this is the longest pain-free period since 1980. Thank you Jesus !!"
L.Keith Wilson, Seattle, WA Dec. 9, 2003
" Margaret writes, " The pain is gone from my left hip. Received prayer November 18, 2003"
Margaret Togde, Gig Harbour, WA Nov. 25, 2003
Yunjh writes, " I had been suffering from a knee injury which had caused me a great deal of pain and difficulties of walking or standing for a period of time. I had seen a doctor and had been treated with medicine and physical therapy, however those treatments did not help me much. Last time, first time, 3 weeks ago, I was treated with prayer and I have been cured wonderfully. Now I'm going jogging and this is such a wonderful feeling that I can go for walks, jogs,(unreadable)... I am so grateful for the Heal to prayer and would like to share the joy."
Yunjh Kwon, Seattle, WA November. 18, 2003
" Email Report received about D.M., " Denise was in terrible pain all last week. That was probably why many of us felt the urgent call to pray unceasingly for her. She went to see her doctors on Monday to talk about her latest MRI. The doctors were expecting to find widespread advancement of the cancer to other areas of her body that had not been attacked before. When they started comparing the results of this latest MRI to the one done last June, THEY COULD FIND NO TRACE OF THE CANCER ANYWHERE ELSE IN HER BODY THAN THE ORIGINAL PLACES! EVEN SOME SPOTS THAT WERE THERE IN JUNE WERE GONE! (Capitals by writer) The doctors were absolutely stunned and almost speechless."
D. M. , Seattle,WA Nov. 14, 2003
Anonymous writes;
What was your condition before? - " Intermittent severe sharp pain in my right knee- especially when walking, the pain was debilitating."
What happened when you were prayed for? " Rick McIlvaine was speaking and told us we did not have to have anyone lay hands on us to be healed. He invited those present to place your own hand on the part of your body which needed healing. ( I had come to the Healing rooms that evening to bring a friend and soak in God's Presence. I wasn't seeking specific or any Healing.) I put my hand on my right knee and prayed. I didn't give much thought to my knee but rather sat in God's Presence that evening. When I arrived home I realized my knee wasn't hurting. It's now a month later and my knee is great. Thank you Jesus- I know this is a foretaste of the healing you are doing in my life."
What is changed? " Pain is gone".
Anonymous, Shoreline,WA November 11, 2003
Margaret writes, " God restored hearing to my right ear, strengthen my body to feel as if I am now half of my 77 years. Praise be to our Healer Jesus."
Margaret Davis, Kent, WA August 2, 2003
Christy writes by email, " ... came Tuesday night...We asked that the Lord come and heal our stress and financial burden. The people there prayed and touched us. It was wonderful. As soon as we walked in the room we both felt the Presence of God and the Holy Spirit..thank you and the rest of the Divine Healing for the wonderful service you provide!"
C.E. Kirkland, WA
Tricia writes by email, " Hello, I am so excited. I can hardly contain myself , yahoo........ I woke up this morning (after the Tue. Eve. Divine Healing Rooms meeting) and put on my contacts as usual and my vision was blurred, so off to the hospital I go for an appointment and my vision's getting worse then I decided to go to the eye doctor cause it really is bad, surprisingly, they got me right in and they did test after test after test. By this time even a little before I realized what has happened, but I let them do their thing and the doctor said your sight is restored back to 20/20 but the problem is she wants to know why, so I told her the Lord has healed my eyes (Amen) she said if only it were that easy and asked me to come in the morning for some blood tests, so I will. My eyes have not been 20/20 for years and I was wearing bifocal lenses amen.
Last night the thing that stuck with me is that the Lord heals all sickness and I believe this is just the beginning, my neck has been hot to the touch all day so I wouldn't be surprised what will be in the morning. I could not wait to email you. God is faithful. Amen. Bless you, Pastor Tricia"
Pastor Tricia , Alaska, October 22, 2003
P.S. October 25, 2003 " "Thank you, I receive all the prayers I can, God is good, and He sure has the eye doctors confused, It is funny, I keep telling them what happened and they keep trying to explain it away but can not. God Bless you both. Love Tricia"
John writes, " I feel like I'm drunk ( in the Holy Spirit ) and I felt fire around me & on me.
A heaviness lifted off me also."
John H. , SeaTac, WA September 30, 2003
Dotty writes, " Pain in neck and shoulder." ( What happened when you were prayed for?)
"Release - looseness - pain gone. "
Dotty Hudson, Sumner, WA August 20, 2003
Adrienne writes, " back tooth - sore for several years - root problem, bite problem, no more pain in tooth. "
Adrienne Angelosanto, Seattle, WA August 19, 2003
Jo Ann writes, " Numbness in left leg and foot for one year." (What happened when you were prayed for?) "lessoned , got better, (no numbness) healed. Thank you ! "
Jo Ann Bliss, Spanaway, WA August 19, 2003
Rob writes, " Both of my thumbs were sore." ( What happened when you were prayed for?)
"Oil was put on both thumbs. A healing team of two people prayed for my thumbs, there was
a rippling in my back where the woman had her hands. My thumbs were warm and felt supported as if by braces. They feel stronger, or at least felt stronger for a moment."
Rob Sproul, Snoqualmie, WA August 19, 2003
Ed writes, "My back was hurting for 2 months since it was injured." ( What happened when you were prayed for?) " I felt a lot of heat and the pain left."
Ed Gaspasini, Sultan, WA August 9, 2003
Janice writes, " Last Tuesday night The Lord healed my back and water retention. The week before He healed my blood pressure. Praise the Lord. I had no idea what would happen that night. I had not even thought about my back."
Janice Landmark, Spanaway, WA July 29, 2003
Lynda writes, " I had sharp shooting pain on the right side of my head and neck for about 3 years. I came, but did not initially write it on the information sheet. After being in the Room for a little while, I asked someone I was sitting by for a pencil. I wrote down "pain - right side of my head."
Anyway, long to short- someone prayed for me and the pain was healed. Because I have been healed before and know the healing heat - I knew it was God's healing touch in my head.
Praise God ! "
LMT , Spanaway, WA July 28, 2003
Jim writes, " I came last week and the people prayed for my back. It stopped hurting that night and hasn't hurt since."
Jim Adair, Spanaway, WA July 22, 2003
Jo An writes, " Since 1988 I have been cursed with a terrible curse of sczioaffective disorder. I have prayed and asked for prayer for years.... But recently I have been feeling a new strength, my mind is much clearer and I feel a great new refreshing as I feel fear being washed away and a strength to accept myself and others."
Jo An Fleming, Seattle, WA July 19, 2003
Tsige writes, " Me and my daughter came to the prayer group. My daughter filled by Holy Spirit
And I healed from lower back pain. God Bless you all."
Tsige Endshaw Wassene, Seattle, WA July 8, 2003
Nancy writes, " I was prayed for immune system issues ( in previous years at the Rooms). I have had very few colds and flu, illness in the past 2 years. Glory to God !! "
Nancy Smith, Kent, WA July 8, 2003
Jerene writes, " (What happened when you were prayed for?) " I felt a peaceful flow and sense of Jesus' Presence all around me ... it was a spiritual anointing." "brain fog" thinking- make it (brain) clear instead. (2) He, Rick, said nerve and muscle damage when he prayed near my hands and wrists. ( a ruptured disc in my neck even after surgery caused the nerve and muscle damage.) P.S. "I arrived alte to the service (because I was at work) so I missed the message, however, soon after I took my seat and the speaker (Rick) said, "If you have come here feeling dismayed..." - really that was a true word for me- as tears rolled down my face as I continued to fill out the information sheet. I thank God that Rick & Joy prayed for me- and I thank God for the healing spirit as they prayed and for their gift of healing ministry. Thank you for the memories and healing."
Jerene Rae Miller, Redmond, WA July 1, 2003
Charlene writes, " pain in my knees and difficulty walking or hiking downhill.
(What happened when you were prayed for?) "sensed the Presence of God."
(What is changed?) "pain is gone from my knees; just a bit of weakness left in my left knee. I now can again walk downhill without pain."
Charlene Eldridge, Federal Way, WA July 1, 2003
Tim writes, "I damaged my back years ago and it locks up in terrible pain once a year or so. Before this event where you and Joy prayed for me, there was a two week period where I had been in extreme pain, unable to work, and had been taking prescription pain medication and muscle relaxants. Joy had seen me hobbling around at the little league games and finally asked if I wanted the two of you to pray for my back. I believe in the power of prayer but even though I've read about scientific studies regarding prayer and positive results on healing I was skeptical about it helping my back. I certainly wasn't ready for what happened next! I wasn't ready for the pain to go away immediately! When the two of you prayed for my back I felt heat from your hands (energy?) before you touched me. I went home that night and had the first pain-free night of sleep that I'd had in more than two weeks. The next morning I woke up with no pain! I didn't need muscle relaxants or pain pills and I could walk normally for the first time in weeks. This back pain has been bothering me for years. About once a year for the last 20 years or so it has been painful like this. It gradually (over weeks) got better but never got better suddenly. Never until now. Thanks for helping me find God's healing power. It's still a little hard for me to believe the pain went away immediately, but this was not just coincidence. Thanks for bringing the power of prayer to me. I'll try to pass it on. "
Tim D. , Bellevue, WA 6/19/03
Susanne writes, " Two weeks ago I came for prayer, I've been having high sugar levels -was prayed for and am back in target zone. My varicose veins were prayed for & reduced to half in size. Tonight in my foot I've been having pain in my bone spurs & the pain left in my right foot."
Susanne, Seattle, WA 6-17-03
Marcia writes, " The lump on the back of my left hand went down and feeling is beginning to return- I believe God will continue to heal this problem and I'll report more later! Love, Marcia"
Marcia Tucker, Tacoma, WA 6-17-
John writes, " The Lord gave words of knowledge for my stomach, knees, and sciatic nerve in back and healed them. Also broke some curses from ministering on ( a ) "Reservation", and blessed me and filled me up. Praise the Lord. Thank you Jesus."
John Shephard, Darrington, WA 6/3/03
Lou writes, " I have lung cancer that is in a very advanced stage. Even with powerful pain killing drugs, the pain of the cancer in my lungs was becoming more and more noticeable in my chest and back. Tonight, after receiving blessing and anointing, the pain went away."
Lou Beck, Snoqualmie, WA 6/3/03
Raquel writes, " Pressure on eyes-Glaucoma 26 & 27 pressure. Started coming to SRC (Divine Healing Rooms) on 4/29/03, 5/20/03, 5/27/03. Went to eye doctor on 5/12/03. The doctor said the eye pressure in both eyes is normal- 12 & 14 pressure in eyes. Lord healed pressure in eyes. Today, received The Lord's peace in her heart, cleansing of the mind".
Raquel Quilez, Redmond,WA 6/3/03
Dean writes, " While attending the healing rooms last Tuesday night, with no one laying hands on me- I felt the anointing of the kingdom of heaven pouring through me. At that time, 8:30pm, I felt a hand on my left carotid artery ( 50 -70 per cent blocked ) like a cow being milked, the artery was cleaned. Then the right side ( 50 percent blocked ) was cleaned. For a week there was discomfort as ___ inside of the artery were healing - Now I notice more warmth in my face - as soon as my hip joints are healed I plan to show my unbelieving Dr. what Jesus has done".
Dean Scovell, Issaquah,WA 6/3/03
Seble writes, " The pastor invited if anybody with nerve pain in the right leg. I have this pain for a long time, so I just went to the front. Two of the intercessors was praying for me, but she was prophesying about me, which was my prayer & question for long time. She said "God want to lift my head up." Because of my experience , I had so many problems in life. I was depressed & lost self confidence on my self. I lost my job almost 3 times in one year. So, I am afraid to go back to work. I couldn't lift my head up- This was my day !!!!!"
Seble Wmariam, Shoreline, WA 6/3/03
Ruth writes, " I have had a crooked neck since I was young. I have had three car accidents, the most recent one was rear end and I was pushed into the car in front. I have had a lot of physical therapy and chiropractic but was still in constant pain in my neck, shoulder and left arm. God has been gradually healing the shoulder pain and numbness and hand pain is much better.
But tonight, my neck straightened out, He healed the source of the pain and numbness!!! "
Ruth Lindberg, Renton, WA 5/20/03
Kenneth writes, " I had bad back pain for over two months. My Dr.'s couldn't find anything wrong but continued to treat my back and try different medications for it but nothing seemed to work. Then a friend asked me if I wanted to go to a healing meeting. I figured I had nothing to lose.
After I was prayed for my back pain was gone. It was hard for me to walk, sit, stand, lay down, or even move without pain and I'm pain free now."
Kenneth Adams, Seattle,WA 5/13/03
Faith writes, " God has healed me of all my past angers and hurts and showed me how to turn those things into love and forgiveness. The Lord Jesus has healed my soul, mind and body from any of my spiritual and physical pains. He has shown me His love, mercy and compassion in every situation I go through with the Lord by my side."
Faith Haskins, North Bend, WA 4/22/03
Carolyn writes, " My depression is gone and joy is back. "
C.B. , Chehalis,WA 4/15/03
" My prayer life was not what I wanted it to be, there seemed to be a bondage for a long time - my mind would not function to pray- Ted and Lyn prayed and came against the bondage- My prayer life has been more rewarding ever since- there is freedom. Thank you Jesus! "
Delores Littler, Kent, WA Oct 1, 2002
"August 26, 2002 my physician, Dr. Lamson said the breast cancer in my body would be a great trick to hold it at its present state with treatment and that remission wasn't likely since this infirmity returning a second time is always meaner and more viscous. Then he described that all my bodily systems were in disarray and crashing and in a state of lawlessness, my body temperature was 96.8 and my digestive processes were not functioning well.
August 27, 2002 I came to the Seattle Eastside Healing Room and Rev. Rick McIlvaine prayed fro me and God gave him 3 words of knowledge for me - low thermostat / body temperature, a regulator in disarray and jumping all over, and digestion. He did not know me or that theses were my problems. He prayed for overall weakness and called for strength and commanded the lawless cells in my body and systems to come to order. My body warmed up and I drove all the way home from Seattle with the windows down that night. My temperature increased to 99.8 and remained at that temperature for over 3 weeks. During that time I returned to see Dr. Lamson and he noted the 99.8 temperature and remarked that I appeared better. Also he said he believed I would be among a small percentage of people who make it. He said there are some "overnighters" in this disease and his explanation is " the people do it themselves, its the people". I say, its the people responding to their Maker ! ! !
Thank you for your wonderful prayers. Thank you for being there for me and my family and believing God !
The significance of the higher temperature is that cancer doesn't survive in heat and it was thriving in the low body temperature. I am healed by the Word of the Lord at which every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord !!!
I am stronger every day and the pain has diminished to almost nothing. "By His stripes I am healed", praise the name of Jesus ! At this moment I am flying to my family in Oahu, where my Mom is dying and all are unsaved. I'm so grateful to be going with a testimony of the goodness of God. Hallelujah !!!! "
Pat Skelton, Anacortes, WA September 24, 2002
"I have been coming off and on since last year. The major thing God has done is inner healing- a sense of worthiness. Also, I have been sustained financially while I look for employment. My right leg has lengthened. There are things I am still waiting for but I am being blessed in understanding the goodness of God and His compassion in all things while I press in for total restoration. thank you healing team for your love of God and obedience to His calling on your lives."
Susan Nowak, Maple Valley, WA September 3, 2002
"Thank you for praying for me. God gave me a job in the Edmonds school district- I am thrilled. Also, I feel God has been healing me emotionally. I thank God and I thank you for being his instruments."
D. T. , August 20, 2002
Received August 8, 2002 postal letter
"Hi My Name is R.N., you recently sent me a letter with a prayer cloth. I am writing you back . However most gracious to what you all have done for my twin brother Troy who was recently in the hospital in San Antonio Texas suffering from a brain tumor. I would like to inform you that my brother is doing very well. On behalf of Troy and I and my two brothers Travis and Tim would like to say Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts and we love each and everyone of you for doing Gods greatest deed.
Love. R."
Received July 09, 2002 Testimony Form at Rooms!
"When I came into the healing room and sat down, immediately the tension & weakness in my body left. The anointing in the room was so strong the Presence of the Lord was ministering His healing & comfort.
Thank you for your faithful service."
Beverly Duokwitz, Kent, WA.
Received June 11, 2002 Testimony Form at Rooms!
"Last year I brought a hand patient of mine ( I'm a hand therapist) here and saw the swelling of long lasting disappear before my eyes. Her stiff hand eventually softened and she was able to make a fist, but that took months and was probably a reflection of her emotional state."
Allegra A. Seattle ,WA
Received, January 8, 2002 Testimony Form at Rooms!
"Pain in hips since 13, Helen is 74 The pain in her hips are gone. She came in with pain but its all gone. Painfree!!
H.S. Burien, WA
Received, January 2, 2002 Testimony Form at Rooms!
"My niece had a rare form of colon cancer- which I was familiar w/ (with) because my brother in law died w/ ( with ) it at age 43- Tammy had many prayers going up to God for her healing. You sent her a prayer cloth which she wore. A biopsy was done in Nov - All cancer is gone = And it was so huge at the beginning that they had a hard time examining her - We glorify The Lord because her healing came from him ( Him ). He honored everyone's prayers - Thank you "
R. W. Renton, WA
Received June 5, 2001 Testimony Form at Rooms!
"The dog I brought for prayer last week; well the ears are much better. And God is continuing to use me to pray for others."
Rose Spicer, Seattle, WA
Received June 5, 2002 Testimony Form at Rooms!
"I was healed of problem I had last time I came to prayer meeting. (blockage)"
Rosalie Webb , Renton, WA
Received May 29, 2002, Testimony Form at Rooms!
" I came to the Divine Healing Rooms. They had a couple here from the Spokane Healing Room, the McEnnerney's. The anointing was tremendous. They called out the spirit of rejection, I had been battling with and the spirit of depression. God also healed me from a sprained ankle. Praise our mighty God. He is good all the time ! "
Christina Callas, Issaquah,WA
Received May 22, 2001 Testimony Form at Rooms!
"This one has been awesomely blessed here in the Presence of our Precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and Precious Holy Ghost - There once was a time I could not smile - After coming over and over again, God has truly used His vessels to bless others. There is so much freedom to live, love and laugh again - I give all the Praise, Glory and Honor to my Lord Jesus Christ and His Presence being made manifest in this place in Jesus Name- Whom the Son sets free is free indeed."
Diane Norville, DesMoines, WA
Received May 1, 2002 Testimony Form at Rooms!
"I've come twice and have been receiving restoration, physically & spiritually. Physically- from an enlarged heart/leaking valve Spiritually- from layers of rejection & negative thoughts God has filled me with a heart of love.
The healing continues."
V.S. Kent, WA
Received March 5, 2002 Testimony Form in Rooms !
" Dear Rick & Joy- Just wanted to let you know, that G______ was healed here Jan. 15, 02. She had an incision, that would not heal. She went in three times for surgery on it. After Ted & Lyn Allen prayed over her, gave her a word, the healing occurred and was complete, by the way her biopsy was negative for cancer. "
G.A.M. Seattle, WA
Received via e-mail March 16, 2002
"Dear Richard and Joy, I just want to let you know how much better I am. Let me know next time you are in Korea. Maybe I could meet you!"
Sincerely, Evangeline Adams, Korea
Received, December 7, 2001, postal letter in the mail !
"A Praise report- I came for prayer for my toe yet the Lord led you in prayer for other areas in my life- connecting with Jesus- confusion and other areas- Jesus has started the work of healing in these areas. Thank- you in your quest for drawing close to our Savior to listen
to His voice. Sincerely,"
S. B. Renton, WA
May 1, 2001
" I was in pain from (bone) spurs. And (ministry team member) ____ prayed for me. And I am healed. Praise God. And I expect more healing for arthritis! Thank God for the Healing Rooms. God is so God!
Thank you for the prayers! "
Roseanna Light, Renton ,WA
( follow-up phone call confirmed healing 3 weeks later, no shooting pains anymore from bone spurs on her feet that previously occurred all the time)
April 2, 2001
"Physical healing of leg- was very swollen and painful- next am totally healed." (follow-up phone call on May 5th, one month later, " her leg is still healed".)
B.S. , Tacoma, WA
Received May 1, 2002 Testimony Form at Rooms!
"I've come twice and have been receiving restoration, physically & spiritually. Physically- from an enlarged heart/leaking valve Spiritually- from layers of rejection & negative thoughts God has filled me with a heart of love.
The healing continues."
V.S. Kent, WA
Received March 5, 2002 Testimony Form in Rooms !
" Dear Rick & Joy- Just wanted to let you know, that G______ was healed here Jan. 15, 02. She had an incision, that would not heal. She went in three times for surgery on it. After Ted & Lyn Allen prayed over her, gave her a word, the healing occurred and was complete, by the way her biopsy was negative for cancer. "
G.A.M. Seattle, WA
Received via e-mail March 16, 2002
"Dear Richard and Joy, I just want to let you know how much better I am. Let me know next time you are in Korea. Maybe I could meet you!"
Sincerely, Evangeline Adams, Korea
Received, December 7, 2001, postal letter in the mail !
"A Praise report- I came for prayer for my toe yet the Lord led you in prayer for other areas in my life- connecting with Jesus- confusion and other areas- Jesus has started the work of healing in these areas. Thank- you in your quest for drawing close to our Savior to listen
to His voice. Sincerely,"
S. B. Renton, WA
May 1, 2001
" I was in pain from (bone) spurs. And (ministry team member) ____ prayed for me. And I am healed. Praise God. And I expect more healing for arthritis! Thank God for the Healing Rooms. God is so God!
Thank you for the prayers! "
Roseanna Light, Renton ,WA
( follow-up phone call confirmed healing 3 weeks later, no shooting pains anymore from bone spurs on her feet that previously occurred all the time)
April 2, 2001
"Physical healing of leg- was very swollen and painful- next am totally healed." (follow-up phone call on May 5th, one month later, " her leg is still healed".)
B.S. , Tacoma, WA
May 1, 2001
"Sent His love to my heart/soul. I could feel His Presence and security. Ability of (ministry) team to discern unforgiveness for my father and I was able to forgive so I could begin to be the wife I am supposed to be. Brought uncontrollable laughing and awesome joy from the Lord".
Staci Guffey, Lakewood, WA
May 8, 2001
"I was here one month ago and have only had one headache during that time. I've had a problem of headaches since 1987, sometimes twice a week, not always, but 3-4 times a month usually. Praise God!!! " Bernadette Worden, Mercer Is. , WA
May 15, 2001
" My left leg was shorter, now its the same length as the right leg. Since I first came here 1st time, God has blessed me in many ways".
Rose Spicer, Seattle, WA
May 1, 2001
"I've come twice and have been receiving restoration, physically and spiritually. Physically- from and enlarged heart, leaking valve. Spiritually- from layers of rejection and negative thoughts. God has filled me with a heart of love. The healing continues........."
Ms. V.S. , Kent, WA
March 26, 2001
" A real blessing and the praying was right on. God Bless this ministry. Would love to be a part of it." Frank and Valerie, Edmonds, WA
Feb. 26,2001
"My daughter Tessin, 3 years old, had a severe patch of eczema on her arm and molluscous all over her body. It had been infected for over a month and was causing her much discomfort. After prayer , 2/19, the patch on her left arm shrunk dramatically and the one on her right arm disappeared. By the next day- it was almost gone. The molluscous simultaneously cleared up as well."
Carol Lee, Bothell, WA
" God healed my thumb tonight! Before I came here it didn't move, but now I can move it. It works softly and smoothly. Praise Lord! And please keep praying for me!!!!"
Signed by: Hejae, Hua,
visiting from Seoul, Korea Jan. 08, 2001
"I am previous cancer patient, through introduce of Pastor Choi of Horizon church. I have chance in Divine Healing at around Jan 15, 2001. When I step into Healing Room, suddenly beautiful peace over cover me, I started peaceful and thankful tears on my face. After praying and sleeping that night, next day I found my swollen leg was cure, and God give me encourage, power to fight cancer.
Thank you Jesus Lord! "
Signed by: Jacob Pak Federal Way, WA Jan. 28, 2001
" I injured my ankle about mid February, 2000. It would get to feeling better from time to time but would always be in a lot of pain after much activity. When getting out of bed, I couldn't put my full weight on my left ankle until I gradually worked it to get through the pain. I went to the Healing Rooms in Issaquah on April 3rd and received prayer. The pain left immediately and hasn't returned. I have had no lack of use of my ankle since and can do whatever I want with no pain. Thank you Jesus!!!"
Used by permission, unedited, from written testimony form.
By: John Scheda April 14, 2000
Issaquah, WA 98027
"I walked into the healing room with terrible pain in my stomach ( pain had been present at least 6 months off and on but was getting worse) and for some reason I had a high fever. When I was prayed for the pain in my stomach lessened, and it was gone the next week. Also my fever instantly disappeared. I was also totally worn out and could not stay awake. This had been going on for at least four weeks. That is gone also. I praise the Lord for healing me. Thank you Jesus."
Used by permission, unedited, from written testimony form.
Rosalie Webb, Sept. 29, 2000
Renton, WA
"On the morning after following my last visit I noticed my limp was gone. I had broken a bone in my left foot in July and was slow healing- God speeded up the process! Thank you for your prayers! "
Used by permission, unedited, from written testimony form.
Marcia Tucker September 25, 2000
Tacoma, WA
"Three years ago I was laying in a nursing home near Issaquah. An operation to put in an artificial knee had led to the complication of paralysis to the knee. None of the doctors could offer any true explanation or expectation of recovery time. I had been there almost one month and gotten so discouraged that they had put me on a suicide watch. My husband and daughter were in Ellensburg, but came as often as they could.. My sister and parents were on Whidbey Island and found it hard to visit. I refused to leave my room. Then one evening my cousins Rick and Joy, with their family came to visit. After general conversation, I got up the courage to ask them to lay healing hands on me. I knew it was biblically and spiritually true. And I had the faith. At the time I felt it was terribly presumptuous of me to ask. Like requesting an autograph from a movie star! (Rick--that is honestly how I felt) They all gathered round my bed, touching me and praying. The next morning I woke up and my leg moved. I was so thrilled for the miracle and the thought of going home. I did not tell the nurses and waited until physical therapy that morning. The doctor said to try moving your leg--I lifted it up, down, and around, laughing and crying with joy. She was floored and asked when it had happened. I told her this morning after my cousin had laid healing hands. She said, "Hmmm." Then I went home that day. Since then I have told several doctors about the miracle and after many similar "hmmms" I have quit telling the truth. But I know, God knows, Rick and Joy know, my family knows what happened. And so I would welcome the opportunity to tell you, a believer. Sincerely,"
Used by permission, unedited, from written e-mail testimony.
Nancy Clarke September 26, 2000
Ellensburg, WA
" I teach precept classes in my church and one of the women who prayed for me, everything she said was straight quotes from Scripture which really encouraged me. Also, one of the men prayed that I would trust in the Lord and not lean on people and that was just what I needed to hear. I also felt the love of Jesus from the people who prayed for me- they also prayed that my fibroids would dissolve and that's what I've been praying for too! Lots of confirmation"
Used by permission, unedited, from written testimony form.
Christine Thurman September 18, 2000
Bothell, WA
" You were right, Greg was mistaken. It was my right knee. You were led by the Holy Ghost and my knee feels great! Praise the Lord! I am running for Jesus!
Love, Mary" sent by email: Sea-Tac, WA Dec 12, 2000
Subject : "Praise Report"
"Hi everyone.
About 3 weeks ago we found out about your wonderful healing room and drove two hours the next day only to be touched by the Lord. Tonya received wonderful news about the cysts on her ovaries. One is gone and the other one looks free from anything serious. We also went to pray for for Tonya's mother who has cancer. She is making good progress. As for me, I am grateful for the experience. We have told everyone around us how wonderful our experience was and I am sure we will be back!
Thank you and have a wonderful new year! "
Love and prayers,
Becky & Tonya" Longview, WA
Sent by e-mail Dec 31, 2000